Who Is Cam Yearty?

My photo
Athens, GA, United States
Cam is a 24 year old Environmental Planning and Design Master's student at the University of Georgia who is trying to better understand the world in which we live. He is doing this by finishing graduate school and trying to GET A JOB. HIRE ME! I DO MAPS!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Well, the saying "better late than never" should really apply here... This link leads you to my midterm assignment for Advanced GIS. It shows a basic suitability analysis for a park in my hometown of Cochran, GA. Objectives, methodology, and results are inside. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Big Marine Lake - Minnesota

So the map for this post comes from Lesson 4 in the Bolstad book. In order to make this map, I had to georeference four different aerial images; three were from 1938, and one was from 2008. From these georeferenced images, I was able to create two shapefiles that show the shoreline of Big Marine Lake in Washington County, Minnesota. The comparison of the two resulting shapefiles shows the increase in the lake's area in the decades since the Dust Bowl. Enjoy!
Links, links, and more links!

Maps, man!

 The top map shows elevations calculated by using three different methods of interpolation, as shown in each data frame. The bottom map shows the differences between calculated and actual elevations for each method.

So, where are cool links, you ask? None today. Except this one.

Monday, February 11, 2013

I'm bAAAAAAAAAAAAAck!!!!!!!!1

So, apparently, I'm back at the GIS Blogging once again! This time, the blog will focus on my exploits in my GRADUATE LEVEL Advanced GIS Class with Prof. Rosanna Rivero! I am excited to fire the old blog back up and bring it into Grad School at the University of Georgia! More posts to come ASAP, but for now, it's back to making maps!


PS: You know I cannot put an entry on this page without one of my signature links. Enjoy!