Who Is Cam Yearty?

My photo
Athens, GA, United States
Cam is a 24 year old Environmental Planning and Design Master's student at the University of Georgia who is trying to better understand the world in which we live. He is doing this by finishing graduate school and trying to GET A JOB. HIRE ME! I DO MAPS!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New, Cam-Made Maps!!!

Here are two maps that I created all by myself!
The first map is one that I created earlier today. It will be appearing in a research article looking at kaolinite deposits in Georgia: 
The second map is one I created for my Epidemiology course. It shows the prevalence of different species of Hantavirus all over the world. Just some forewarning, the map is pretty flawed. Luckily for my group and me, our professor just took a quick glance at it and did not ask for the file afterwards. Let's have a little contest to see who can find all of the flaws in the map:

And finally, for those of you who follow this blog religiously, don't.

There is nothing particularly funny about that, just a hint of what I will be up to in the not-so-distant future .
